2013年10月6日 星期日

He and She (1)

A man didn't drink, smoke or gamble

The beggar at the bus terminus in Central stopped a man
and asked him for some money for something to eat.
The man said: "I will buy you a drink if you like."
The beggar said: "I never drink."  "Well, then," said the man,
"I will buy you a cigar."    "But I don't smoke,"
said the derelict.  "All I want is something to eat."
"I have got a good tip on a horse this afternoon," said the man,
"and I will put some money on it for you."
"But I don't believe in gambling," said the beggar."All I want is food."

"In that case," said the man, "come home to dinner with me.
I'd like my wife to see what happens to a man who...
doesn't drink, smoke or gamble." 

